On the occasion of the final “RNA BIOLOGY FOREVER Vienna Conference 2021” Andrea Barta talks about the doctoral program (DK) in “RNA Biology” which she led since 2007.
September 28-29, 2021
In collaboration with Open Science (https://www.openscience.or.at) and the FH Campus Vienna (https://www.fh-campuswien.ac.at/en/de), the doctoral school in RNA biology made a great video about vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 (in German). ((more…))
Congratulations to Aleksej Drino from Matthias Schäfer Group at the Medical University of Vienna, Center for Anatomy & Cell Biology for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Biochemical identification of protein-tRNA fragment interactions” on March 5th!
New Publication by Andrea Barta together with Ezequiel Petrillo and Maria Kalyna in Nucleic Acids Research
„Microsymposium on Small RNA Biology“ organized by IMBA, IMP, GMI and the Max Perutz Labs as well as by the RNA community of the Vienna BioCenter.
Abstract deadline: March 11th 2021
Registration deadline: April 12th 2021
Congratulations to Philipp Dexheimer from the Cochella lab at IMP for successfully defending his PhD thesis “miRNA requirements in C. elegans embryogenesis” on Jan 19th! ((more…))
Julia Batki, PhD, alumna from Julius Brennecke’s lab at IMBA and former DK RNA Biology associated PhD student, is awarded the Denise P. Barlow Award 2019. ((more…))
A new method developed by researchers of the Vienna BioCenter, SARSeq, will allow testing of thousands of samples for SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens in just 15 to 24 hours. ((more…))
Scientists from the Vienna BioCenter developed a new SARS-CoV-2 detection method: by rather simple means, their RT-LAMP test is cheaper than PCR testing and achieves results with comparable sensitivity and specificity. ((more…))
The 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry is awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for their groundbreaking discoveries on the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Emmanuelle Charpentier was a principal investigator at the Max Perutz Labs (University of Vienna) from 2002 to 2009 and Faculty Member of our doctoral program DK RNA Biology from 2007 to 2010. ((more…))
Congratulations to Stefan Ameres for his promotion to hold a full professorship in RNA Biology at the University of Vienna at the Max Perutz Labs! ((more…))
Congratultions to Raphael Manzenreither from the Ameres Lab (IMBA) for successfully defending his PhD thesis “A central role of the terminal RNA uridylation-mediated processing complex in cytoplasmic RNA quality control and antiviral RNA interference in Drosophila” yesterday! ((more…))
Scientists led by Javier Martinez from the Max Perutz Labs, a joint venture of the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna, have identified a unique chemical reaction at the end of RNA molecules for the first time in human cells. Their findings are now published in “Science”. ((more…))
The new FWF-funded Special Research Program (SFB) RNA-DECO presents itself in its brand-new website: www.rna-deco.org
Congratulations to Pooja Bhat from the Ameres lab (IMBA) for successfully defending her PhD Defense “Dissecting gene expression dynamics during maternal to zygotic transition in Zebrafish” today! ((more…))
Congratulations to Lucy Sneezum from the Kovarik Lab (Max Perutz Labs, UniWien) for successfully defending her PhD thesis “Context-dependent regulation of immune homeostasis by TTP” yesterday! ((more…))
Congratulations to Sabrina Summer from the Rossmanith Lab (MedUni Vienna) for successfully defending her PhD thesis “YBEY is an essential biogenesis factor for mitochondrial ribosomes” today! ((more…))
It is our pleasure to host Prof. Giovanni Capranico from the University of Bologna for an invited seminar about genome instability induced by G-quadruplex binders on 20 May 2020, 11:00 a.m.
Due to the current situation, the seminar will be held as virtual seminar online. ((more…))
Congratulations to Noémi Mészáros, previously in the Köhler at the Max Perutz Labs, for successfully defending her PhD thesis “A direct link between the nuclear basket and the nuclear envelope” today! ((more…))
RNA researchers Stefan Ameres and Julius Brennecke, both at IMBA and participating in the Vienna COVID-19 Diagnostics Initiative (VCDI), explain for the general German-speaking public the different SARS-CoV-2 testing possibilities in a podcast of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). ((more…))
From this month until further notice our RNA community is continuing its internal regular seminars virtually as interactive online seminars. Members of the RNA community & associates will received the details of each virtual seminars by email.
The acceleration of the CRISPR/Cas technology and all its potential applications have created a media hype that the general public is confronted with. ((more…))
Boris Görke and his group at the Max Perutz Labs Vienna have revealed the mechanisms of a multifunctional sRNA‐binding protein that dynamically regulates the synthesis of an important precursor of the bacterial cell envelope. Their finidings are now published in the EMBO Journal: ((more…))
Congratulations to Stefan Ameres at IMBA for receiving the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant worth 2 million Euros! It’s the third ERC grant for Stefan Ameres after having been awarded the ERC Starting Grant in 2013 and the ERC Proof of Concept Grant in 2018. ((more…))
A consortium of RNA researchers led by Michael Jantsch (MedUni Vienna) has been awarded one of the prestigious Special Research Program grants (SFB) of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): “RNA-DECO – decorating RNA for a purpose” ((more…))
Jürgen Knoblich, scientific director of IMBA, gave an intriguing talk yesterday in the frame of the “Wiener Vorlesungen” about recent innovations in biotechnology and their potential to revolutionize basic biomedical research. Our CRISPR/Cas interactive station was also part of the event and could be visited by participants before and after the lecture. ((more…))
Congratulations to Florian Pflug from the von Haeseler group, who successfully defended his PhD thesis “Correctly counting molecules using unique molecular identifiers” today! ((more…))
The video of our stand at the European Researchers’ Night 2019 is out: Watch our vividly visited station featuring our CRISPR Game, developed by our Doctoral Program in RNA Biology and Open Science. ((more…))
Everyone is invited to join our next guest seminar by
Ashish Lal (NIH NCI Center for Cancer Research):
To be or not to be long noncoding RNA ((more…))
Renée Schroeder’s webinar on Genome Editing, held on 23 October 2019, is now publicly available as an online-video: https://youtu.be/6mrfzx5m8EQ. ((more…))
Congratulations to Chiara Alberti (Cochella Lab, IMP) and Madalena Pinto (Ameres Lab, IMBA) for winning two of the five VBC PhD Awards 2018/2019! ((more…))
We are happy to announce the next dates and speakers of the RNA Lecture Series for WS2019/2020. Everyone is welcome: ((more…))
We’re absolutely proud of yesterday’s webinar, with more than 125 attendees, by Renée Schroeder on the topic of genome editing with all its backgrounds and its implications. ((more…))
We’ve been on tour! After the premier of our hands-on station on CRISPR/Cas together with Open Science at the European Researchers’ Night 2019, last weekend we did some science outreach in Graz for two whole days! ((more…))
After her PhD graduation earlier this year, now Julia Batki from the Brennecke Lab at IMBA was awarded the Kirsten Peter Rabitsch Award 2019 for being this year’s most promising PhD alumna from the IMP or IMBA. Congratulations to Julia! ((more…))
Our RNA Lecture Series for the winter semester 2019/2020 is starting this Friday with lectures by these two successful RNA scientists:
11. October 2019:
New findings just published by the Schroeder lab on how RNA elements regulate bacterial antisense transcription in cis:
iRAPs curb antisense transcription in E. coli. ((more…))
Congratulations to Utkarsh Kapoor from the M. Jantsch Lab (MedUni Vienna): On Thursday 26 September he successfully defended his PhD thesis “Global Interplay of A-to-I RNA editing & pre-mRNA Splicing“! ((more…))
Our Doctoral Program DK RNA Biology at the Max Perutz Labs has teamed up with Open Science for the European Researchers’ Night on Friday 27 September 2019 to bring the topic of CRISPR/Cas closer to the general public. ((more…))
You are invited to our guest seminar by Heather A. Hundley (Indiana University School pf Medicine):
“Regulation and Impacts of RNA Editing on the Neural Transcriptome“: ((more…))
Congratulations to Svetlana Durica-Mitic from the Görke Lab (Max Perutz Labs) for successfully defending her PhD thesis “Molecular and functional characterization of RNase E adaptor protein RapZ in Escherichia coli” yesterday! ((more…))
Congratulations to the M. Jantsch Lab (MedUni Vienna) on their recent findings on the cotranscriptional regulation between RNA editing and mRNA splicing, published this week in Genome Research: ((more…))
Two new papers from the Brennecke Lab (IMBA), published last week in Cell and in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, describe “adaptive radiation” of RNA export proteins. ((more…))
The Ameres Lab (IMBA) revealed a comprehensive & quantitative view on the timescales and molecular features of miRNA biogenesis, loading, and turnover in living cells by employing the innovative transcriptomics method SLAMseq on small RNAs. Their work has just been published in Molecular Cell! Congratulation! ((more…))
You are invited to our guest seminar by Prof. Elena Evguenieva-Hackenberg (University Giessen):
“Functions in trans of trp attenuator sRNA and leader peptide” ((more…))
Congratulation to Brian Reichholf from the Ameres Lab at IMBA for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Dissecting the kinetics of microRNA biogenesis and turnover in living cells” today! ((more…))
Congratulation to Poala Pinto from the Martinez Group at the Max Perutz Labs for successfully defending her PhD thesis on “Identification of ANGEL as a novel and unique eukaryotic family of RNA 2’,3’-cyclic phosphatases” today! ((more…))
Congratulations to Prajakta Bajad from the M. Jantsch Lab at the MedUni Vienna: Today she successfully defended her PhD Thesis “Understanding the phenotype of ADAR1 deficient mice“! ((more…))
Congratulation to Andrés Magan Garcia from the Schroeder Lab at the Max Perutz Labs for impressively defending his PhD thesis “The role of RNA polymerase-binding RNA aptamers in Escherichia coli transcription” today! ((more…))
Congratulations to Muna Ayesha Khan from the Görke Lab a the Max Perutz Labs for her successful PhD Defense today on “Signal perception and transduction within the GlmY/GlmZ small RNA cascade in Escherichia coli“. ((more…))
Congrats to Stefan Lutzmayer from the Nodine Lab at the GMI for successfully defending his PhD Thesis entitled “Small interfering RNA dynamics and functions during Arabidopsis embryogenesis” today! ((more…))
Open Science held its first pilot workshops on genome editing this week in schools in Vienna. Guided by a professional visual facilitator, students discussed and dealt with the ethical and social aspects of genome editing with creative methods. This project is part of a public outreach project with our doctoral program in RNA biology. ((more…))
Congratulations to Chiara Alberti from the Cochella Lab at the IMP for successfully defending her PhD Thesis entitled “Dissecting the contribution of microRNAs to nervous system development and function in C. elegans“ today! ((more…))
Congratulations to Julia Batki from the Brennecke Lab at IMBA for successfully defending her PhD thesis “Nuclear small RNA-guided silencing of transposable elements in Drosophila melanogaster” on Fri, 8th March 2019! ((more…))
The Microsymposium on Small RNA was founded over a decade ago as the major small RNA meeting in Europe, and since recent years is featuring exciting research also from broader RNA fields as well. The 14th Microsymposiums takes place 15th – 17th May 2019 at the Vienna BioCenter: see here. ((more…))
Next Monday, 25th February 2019, at 9:30 in VBC5 Seminar Room A: ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the seminar by our guest speaker: ((more…))
The Annual RNA Retreat 2019 takes a very special format as a co-organized meeting with the Swiss RNA community NCCR RNA & Disease. ((more…))
Open Science is a non-profit scientific association that stands for dialogue between science and the public. Together with our doctoral program in RNA Biology, Open Science has come up with a public outreach concept on the highly topical subject of genome editing with CRISPR/Cas. ((more…))
Congratulations to Laura D. Gallego Valle for winning one of the VBC PhD Awards 2018 ! ((more…))
The Vienna RNA Meeting 2018 took place 17-19 October at the Vienna Biocenter and was a big success – both in terms of the outstanding line-up of internationally renowned RNA expert as speakers, as well as the international echo of the meeting. ((more…))
Congratulations to Madalena Reimao Pinto (Ameres Lab, IMBA) for successfully defending today her PhD thesis “Molecular basis and biological functions of RNA 3′ end uridylation in Drosophila melanogaster“! ((more…))
You are cordially invited to two our guest seminars on Tue 23 October: ((more…))
Congratulations to IMBA group leader Stefan Ameres, faculty member in DK RNA Biology and SFB RNA-REG, for receiving an ERC Proof of Concept Grant to explore the commercial potential of his newly developed sequencing technology SLAMseq. ((more…))
You are cordially invited to our guest seminars: ((more…))
Congratulation to Laura Gallego Valle (group Köhler, MFPL) for successfully defending with excellence her PhD thesis “Molecular Mechanism of Histone H2B Monoubiquitination” on 28th August 2018!
You are cordially invited to the seminar by our guest speaker: ((more…))
The Vienna RNA Meeting 2018 “RNA-REG: Regulatory Circuits in RNA Biology” will take place in October 17-19, 2018, at the Vienna Biocenter in the IMP Lecture Hall, bringing together researchers studying diverse RNA-regulated processes in all areas of biology. ((more…))
Congratulations to DK RNA Biology student Tanino Albanese and associated students Elena Galimberti, Lucy Sneezum & Aleksej Drino for winning prizes at this years retreat of the Vienna Doctoral School (VDS) Molecules of Life! ((more…))
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, “RNA 2018”, took place in Berkeley, CA, USA, from 29 May to 3 June – of course with participation of members of our doctoral program. ((more…))
Congratulations to Milica Krunic (group Arndt von Haeseler) for successfully defending her PhD thesis “NGS Data Analysis in Resolving Disease Etiology” today! ((more…))
Congratulations to Stefan Hammer for successfully defending his PhD thesis “Design of context-sensitive, multi-stable RNA molecules” on 26th April 2018! ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the following seminar by our guest speaker: ((more…))
Our doctoral program on RNA Biology, together with three other FWF-funded doctoral programs on Chromosome Dynamics, Integrative Structural Biology and Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis, participates in the biggest research-
Congratulations to Celine Prakash (group Arndt von Haeseler) ((more…))
Congratulations to Muralidhar Tata (group Bläsi) for successfully defending his PhD Thesis “Identification and characterization of novel regulatory RNAs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa during anaerobiosis” today 2nd February 2018. ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the following seminar by our guest speaker: ((more…))
Congratulations to Maximilan Radtke (group Schroeder) for successfully defending today his PhD Thesis “Exploring Intra-splicing and its regulatory potential”! ((more…))
Congratulations to Ana Krolo (group Köhler) for successfully defending today her PhD thesis “Identification and characterization of the TREX-2 complex in evolutionary divergent organism Trypanosoma brucei“! ((more…))
Congratulations to M. Mamduh bin A. Zabidi, a DK RNA alumnus, for winning one of the VBC PhD Awards 2017! ((more…))
Everyone is cordially invited to our guest seminar next week by Prof. Erez Levanon (Bar-Ilan University): ((more…))
Congratulations to Luisa Cochella for being selected into the EMBO Young Investigator Programme! ((more…))
It is with deep regret, that we have to report the untimely death of our colleague at the CeMM (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Prof. Dr. Denise P. Barlow. She passed away on October 21st, 2017 at the age of 67 after severe illness. ((more…))
SLAMseq is an innovative sequencing method developed by the Ameres Lab (IMBA) in collaboration with Arndt von Haeseler’s group (CIBIV/MFPL) and other researchers at the Vienna Biocenters. This novel technology opens up new possibilities for medical screening and testing medication on live cells, as reported in the journal Nature Methods. The Viennese RNA community congratulates its members to their work:
Thiol-linked alkylation of RNA to assess expression dynamics. ((more…))
Congratulations to Isabella Moll for her successful promotion to hold a full professorship at the University of Vienna! ((more…))
Congratulations to DK RNA fellow Dhaarsini Koneswarakantha (group Martinez, MFPL) for receiving the prize for Best Elevator Talk at the EMBO Conference on Redox Biology 2017. ((more…))
One more award for a DK RNA-associated student: Laura Gallego Valle (group A. Köhler, MFPL) received the L’Oreal Austria Fellowship for Young Female Scientists in Basic Research! ((more…))
Congratulations to DK RNA fellows Aleksej Drino (MedUni Wien, group Schäfer) and Mostafa Elmaghray (IMBA, group Brennecke) for receiving the DOC Fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)! ((more…))
The Schroeder lab has discovered a novel layer of transcription regulation in bacteria. The new findings have recently been published in the journal Molecular Cell:
Natural RNA Polymerase Aptamers Regulate Transcription in E. coli. ((more…))
We cordially invite you to the following seminar on July 7th, by our guest speaker: ((more…))
We cordially invite you to the following seminar on Friday by our guest speaker: ((more…))
We are happy to announce a rather special seminar next week by our guest speaker Takekazu Kunieda, who investigates the survival mechanisms of one of the most resilient animals known: ((more…))
Congratulations to Julia Batki from the Brennecke lab! ((more…))
Andrea Barta, coordinator of our Doctoral Program in RNA Biology, was scientific organizer of this year’s 22nd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, “RNA 2017”. ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the following guest seminar: ((more…))
Congratulations to M. Mamduh bin A. Zabidi (group Alex Stark) ((more…))
Tomorrow Wed, 17th May 2017, at 10 a.m. in the IMP Lecture Hall: ((more…))
The VBC Ubiquitin and Friends Club invites all VBC members to their annual symposium: This year on 13th May 2017 in the Josephinum in Vienna. ((more…))
We cordially invite you to the following guest talk in the frame of the next RNA Tuesday Seminar: ((more…))
We cordially invite you to the following seminar next week by our guest speaker: ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the following guest seminar: ((more…))
Congratulations to Armin Fuchs who successfully defended his PhD thesis ((more…))
We cordially invite you to the following seminar next week by our guest speaker: ((more…))
Congratulations Maja Stulic, PhD! ((more…))
The RNA Lecture Series, starting 2nd December 2016, covers diverse aspects in RNA Research. Please find the schedule here. ((more…))
Congratulations to Jörg Fallman, PhD, and Florian Eggenhofer, PhD, for their successful PhD graduation, both on 17th November 2016! ((more…))
Congratulations to Faculty Member Stefan Ameres for being selected into the EMBO Young Investigator Programme! ((more…))
Congratulations to Michael Jantsch on his appointment as Professor for Cell and Developmental Biology at the Medical University of Vienna. As such, he is now head of the Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology at the MedUni Vienna. ((more…))
Congratulations to Faculty Member Javier Martinez for his successful appointment to a full professorship at the Medical University of Vienna! ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the guest talk by ((more…))
Congratulations to Adam Weiss, PhD! ((more…))
We cordially invite you to the following seminar next week by our guest speaker : ((more…))
Andrea Barta, Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in RNA Biology, is awarded one of the highest honours of the Province of Vienna: ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the guest talk by ((more…))
Andrea Barta, Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in RNA Biology, has received the 2016 Service Award of the RNA Society ((more…))
Congratulations to Alexandra Kornienko, PhD! ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the guest talk by ((more…))
Congratulations to our DK Alumnus Dr. Krzysztof Chylinski for 2 notable prizes he was awarded this year: ((more…))
We kindly invite to the following seminar by our guest speaker ((more…))
We kindly invite you to the following seminar by our guest speaker ((more…))
We kindly invite you to our guest talk by ((more…))
You are cordially invited to the guest talk by ((more…))
Congratulations to Jan Henrik Suhren, PhD! ((more…))
Congratulations to Dr. Krzysztof Chylinski who won one of the four annual VBC PhD Awards for his thesis “The type II CRISPR-Cas adaptive immunity in bacteria: molecular mechanisms and evolution!” which he defended in October 2014. The awards were presented within the VBC PhD Symposium “Communication – Let’s talk about it”.
Congratulations to Nadia Sedlyarova from Renée Schroeder’s group!!! She successfully defended her thesis “Novel concepts of RNA-based transcription regulation in E.coli” on Thursday 29th October 2016.
We welcome you to our DK RNA Alumni Club!
We would like to invite you to our guest talk by ((more…))
We would like to invite you to our guest talk by ((more…))
The Vienna RNA Meeting 2015 is all about RNA in Disease and Development and will take place from 22 – 24 October in the Van-Swieten-Saal in Vienna’s 9th district (easily reachable from Schottentor). ((more…))
Congratulations to Janett Göhring, PhD! She was awarded the ÖGMBT prize for her dissertation “Imaging of Endogenous mRNA Splice Variants in Living Plant Cells” during the ÖGMBT Annual Meeting in Salzburg. ((more…))
We are happy to announce our new alumnus: Michael Wildauer, PhD ((more…))
We congratulate Mansoureh to the successful defense of her PhD thesis “Impact of inverted SINEs on gene expression”. ((more…))
Foong yee ANG (supervisors M. Jantsch & M. Kiebler) will be defending her PhD thesis entitled
“Biochemical characterization of Staufen2-, Barentsz- and Pumilio2-containing neuronal ribonucleoprotein particles from rat brain.”
on Thursday 16th April 2015 at 9:30 in the seminar room 3, MFPL 6th floor.
It’s the 10-year celebration of the Microsymposium on Small RNAs with an outstanding speaker line-up! Even if you’re only remotely interested in RNA Biology, you’ll love it! ((more…))
Congratulations Martina & Hannes! ((more…))
Martina Sauert (group Isabella Moll) will be defending her PhD thesis entitled
“Selective translation of leaderless mRNAs by specialized ribosomes upon MazF-mediated stress response in Escherichia coli.”
on Friday 27th March 2015 at 12:30 in the seminar room 1/2, MFPL 6th floor.
Hannes Temmel (group Isabella Moll) will be defending his PhD thesis entitled
“The novel E. coli RNA ligase RtcB: Elucidation of its physiological function”
on Friday 27th March 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the seminar room 1/2, MFPL 6th floor.
We invite you to our eXtra RNA Seminar on Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 10:30 a.m. in the IMP lecture hall: ((more…))
We invite you to our eXtra RNA Seminar on Tuesday 17th March 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the IMP lecture hall: ((more…))
We invite you to our eXtra RNA Seminar on Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the IMP lecture hall: ((more…))
We want to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR –
2015 shall be a healthy and successful year for you!
We invite you to our eXtra RNA Seminar on Tuesday 16th December 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the IMP lecture hall: ((more…))
We invite you to our eXtra RNA Seminar on Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the IMP lecture hall: ((more…))
We kindly invite you to our following extra RNA Seminar: ((more…))
Please download the schedules for each individual lecture day: ((more…))
Congratulations Janett & Chris! We proudly present our 2 new alumni of the DoktoratsKolleg RNA Biology: ((more…))
We would like to invite you to 2 very interesting talks on Tuesday 7th October 2014: ((more…))
Janett Göhring from Andrea Barta’s group will defend her PhD thesis entitled“Imaging of Endogenous mRNA Splice Variants in Living Plant Cells”
on Thursday 2nd October 2014 at 11:30 a.m. in the seminar room 1 of the Vienna Competence Center (VCC), Lazarettgasse 19, A-1090 Wien ((more…))
We would like to invite you to our eXtra RNA Seminar on Monday 22 September 2014 at 10:00 a.m. (in MFPL sr 1/2): ((more…))
Save these dates: 24 October, 21 November, 12 December 2014! ((more…))
Philip, a PhD candidate from the University of Florida, spent 2 months working in the lab of Renée Schroeder at the Max. F. Perutz Laboratories. ((more…))
The former faculty member of the DoktoratsKolleg RNA Biology Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier (now Hannover Medical School and Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) wins the 2014 Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research together with Dr. Jennifer Doudna (Univ. of California at Berkeley and Howard Hughes Medical Institute). ((more…))
We would like to invite you to following extra RNA Seminar:
From marsupials to microorganisms: With Bioinformatics into the world of microRNAs ((more…))
Yamile Marquez from Andrea Barta’s group will defend her PhD thesis entitled
“The alternative splicing landscape of Arabidopsis thaliana”
on Wednesday, May 7th at 11 a.m. in the MFPL seminar room 1/2.
The journal RNA Biology presents a Special Issue devoted to Carl Woese, the famous American microbiologist and biophysicist, who has become known for defining the third kingdom of life – Archaea -, and originating the RNA world hypothesis (to name just two of his many accomplishments). The articles contained in this Special Issue ((more…))
We would like to invite you to following extra RNA Seminar:
Engineering of ribozymes with useful activities in the ancient RNA world ((more…))
We would like to invite you to following extra RNA Seminar:
Bacterial apoptotic cell death and its biological relevance ((more…))
Silpi Banerjee from Michael Jantsch’ group will defend her PhD thesis
“Nuclear import by an ADAR1 double stranded RNA binding domain”
on Friday 25th April 2014 at 14:30 in the 3rd floor seminar room (MFPL).
Our doctoral programme in RNA Biology recruits new PhD students through the MFPL International PhD Program. Please note that the application deadline for the current summer selection 2014 ends on Sunday 16th March!
Great minds from the Eric Greene Lab (Columbia University) and the Jennifer Doudna Lab (University of California) have released an educational video describing how Cas9 searches DNA for target sites: ((more…))
The Austrian Mint has now made its Silver Niobium series richer by introducing the new EVOLUTION coin. It was issued on 22nd January 2014 and shows ((more…))
The MFPL International PhD Program has just started its Spring Call 2014! All informations on the program and detailed application information can be found on the program’s website. ((more…))
MFPL Scientific Advisory Board’s Meeting took place on the 16th and 17th December 2013.
Congratulations to Hermann Hämmerle! From now on an Alumni of the DoktoratsKolleg RNA Biology … ((more…))
Hermann Hämmerle from Udo Bläsi’s group will defend his PhD Thesis
“Functional Studies on Hfq Proteins of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis”
on Monday 9th December 2013 at 12:00 in the MFPL seminar room 1 (6th floor).
The first of our 3 lecture days starts today – a lecture series with total of 12 lectures each 90 min. ((more…))
We congratulate our new PhD graduate Dr. Conny Vesely!!! ((more…))
We would like to invite you to our guest talk by ((more…))
We are happy to announce this guest talk to which you are cordially invited:
Alfredo Castello Palomares, PhD (EMBL Heidelberg)
“Insights into Biology and Disease from the first in vivo atlas of RNA-binding proteins” ((more…))
The Vienna RNA Meeting 2013 will take place from 13-15 October 2013 in the IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall. ((more…))
Stulic M, Jantsch MF.
RNA Biol. 2013 Sep 4.
We are happy to announce this guest talk to which you are cordially invited: ((more…))
The department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of the University of Vienna is currently seeking an outstanding scientist with research expertise in the field of RNA Biochemistry. ((more…))
We have great pleasure informing you that Prof. W. Filipowicz is currently on a sabbatical in the frame of the SFB Regulatory RNAs here at MFPL until the end of June 2013. ((more…))
On Monday 24th June 2013 at 4 p.m. Federica will defend her PhD thesis in the 8th floor seminar room in CeMM:“Onset and maintenance of Airn non-coding RNA mediated imprinted expression in an in vitro embryonic stem cell model” ((more…))
We are happy to announce this guest talk to which you are cordially invited:
Prof.Dr. Nicola Abrescia (Univ. of Basque Country, Spain)
“Structural studies of large macromolecular assemblies: from viruses to enzymatic machines” ((more…))
Identification of RNA targets for the nuclear multidomain cyclophilin atCyp59 and their effect on PPIase activity.
Bannikova, Olga; Zywicki, Marek; Marquez, Yamile; Skrahina, Tatsiana; Kalyna, Maria; Barta, Andrea (2013).
Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Feb 1;41(3):1783-96. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1252. Epub 2012 Dec 16.
We are happy to announce this guest talk to which you are cordially invited:
Prof.Dr. Karine Lapouge (Univ. of Lausanne) ((more…))
We invite you all to Alessandra Romeo’s PhD defense entitled “Characterisation of the small regulatory non-coding RNA NalA in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa” ((more…))
After Ursula’s successful defense of her PhD Thesis “Nucleus-specific biogenesis of noncoding RNAs in Tetrahymena thermophila” on 16th January 2013, we may now address her as Dr. Ursula Schöberl! ((more…))
Mss116p: a DEAD-box protein facilitates RNA folding.
Sachsenmaier N, Waldsich C.
RNA Biol. 2013 Jan;10(1):71-82. doi: 10.4161/rna.22492. Epub 2012 Oct 12.
The Austrian Federal Minister for Science & Research Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle and the president of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Christoph Kratky visited MFPL on Thursday 24th January 2013 to give a press talk and ((more…))
On Monday 21st January 2013 it’s the 3rd day of our RNA LECTURE SERIES, this time in the IMBA lecture hall (IMBA, Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 3, A-1030 Wien).
The schedule is ((more…))
On Monday 14th January 2013 it’s the 2nd day of our RNA LECTURE SERIES, this time in the IMBA lecture hall (IMBA, Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 3, A-1030 Wien).
The schedule is ((more…))
This year’s VBC PhD Awards were announced on 9th November and we are very proud to congratulate Martina Dötsch and Johannes Popow to their success! ((more…))
“Gene regulation in the Lyme disease bacterium” ((more…))
The new RNA Lecture Series consists of 13 talks from invited guest speakers and is held on 3 days: 19th Nov., 14th Jan., and 21st Jan. 2013. (PhD and Master students can register via MedCampus and UniVis to receive 2 ECTS credits for participation.). You can download the schedule from our download area or read it below. ((more…))
On 17th October 2012 we had the chance to dine with Nobel Laureates from the RNA World. The RNA Biology DK/SFB organized a dinner for the students and post docs with Elizabeth Blackburn and Thomas Steitz at the Vestibül. The dinner and the discussions were excellent. It was an unforgettable evening. ((more…))
The Plant RNA Workshop will be held on 8 & 9 July 2012 in the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), Vienna – following the 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 3-7 July 2012. ((more…))
Jan Suhren: “The HP1-like protein Coi6 is involved in RNAi mediated DNA elimination in Tetrahymena thermophila” ((more…))
“Naked and pregnant: Cell wall deficient Listeria monocytogenes reveal a novel mode of division and multiplication” ((more…))
Peter Kerpedjiev: Coarse grained 3D RNA folding
Stefan Badelt and Florian Huber ((more…))
“Evolution of long non-coding RNAs: conservation and flexibility” ((more…))
After the successful defense of her PhD Thesis “Functional characterisation of novel neuronal Staufen2 target RNAs” this morning, we may now address her as Dr. Heraud! ((more…))
“A novel apoptotic-like cell death pathway in bacteria and its biological significance” ((more…))
Alternative splicing (AS) is a key regulatory mechanism that contributes to transcriptome and proteome diversity. As very few genome-wide studies analyzing AS in plants are available, we have performed high-throughput sequencing of a normalized cDNA library which resulted in a high coverage transcriptome map of Arabidopsis. ((more…))
Annual SFB & DK RNA Retreat: 10th – 12th May 2012 in Aflenz (Steiermark).
Bianca M. Mladek, VIPS Postdoc at MFPL since one year, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie Career Integration Grant. ((more…))